Friday 1 November 2013

Illuminati Pamphlet

A friend on YouTube has sent me this pamphlet How to Overthrow the Illuminati by Jason Cortez: It's a local publication, probably American, and aimed primarily and young black people who are in the process of becoming politically active. It's written by somebody called Jason Cortez and the author believes that what he calls "Illuminati Theory", conspiracy theories in other words, is wrong. He explains that believing in conspiracy theories is a "waste of talent" and that it distracts people from addressing the real causes of the human world's problems. He provides what he thinks is a history of the "Illuminati Theory" and says that it was created in pieces and combined over a long period of time by rich and powerful people who'd been kicked out of authority by mass movements. He claims that the first piece of the puzzle lies with the origins of the Bavarian Illuminati, a secret society established by Adam Weishaupt in 1776. It was an organization dedicated to establishing an international republican and technocratic society, therefore being staunchly opposed to the aristocracy and the churches. When the French Revolution erupted a few years later there were rumours abound that it had been engineered by Weishaupt's Illuminati, this was despite the fact that Weishaupt's group lasted barely a decade. According to Cortez, the conspiracy theory surrounding the Bavarian Illuminati was started by those opposed to the Revolution in order to discredit it. Apparently Weishaupt's men had achieved their goal by infiltrating and occupying Masonic orders. This theory was promoted by people like Nesta Webster, John Robison (The author calls him "Robinson") and the Jesuit priest Abbe Augustin Barreul. According to this theory the Illuminati still existed in Masonic lodges around the world and would unleash the same collectivist regimes against the British Empire and United States of America unless stopped. I recommend a good book to read which will give you a taste for conspiratorial culture in the 19th Century; it is a fictional novel by Umberto Eco called The Prague Cemetery, see: Cortez dismisses the notion that Freemasonry is anything other than a "fancy social club" for people who want to feel important and exclusive. Occasionally they were used as meeting places for radical activists, but he sees this as inconsequential. He claims that the Freemasons only originated a few hundred years ago out of the stone masons' guilds of Europe. This is false; the origin of the Freemasons, along with the Rosicrucians, Skull and Bonesmen and many other elite secret societies goes back many centuries, and even millennia, before that. Masonic history is deeply mysterious, but there is a provable link to the Knights Templar, see: I think that the true birth of the Masonic secret society network lies in the mystery schools of antiquity.

The next piece of the "Illuminati Theory" is anti-Semitism, blaming it all on the Jews because Jews were associated with finance and credit. Again, it was the recently-deposed and second-echelon elitists who are supposedly behind this notion because they ape the big boys at the top of the industrial food chain. Sadly the idea that Jews are behind the New World Order is quite prevalent, it was behind Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime, and Cortez is correct to discredit it; I have done so myself from my own perspective, see: Of course there is no doubt that banking and economic control are tools used by the elite to oppress the masses, this is never more obvious than in today's world; but it's wrong to blame a cultural and religious group for it. I address the various truths and lies of The Protocols of Zion here: The notion of the Biblical Apocalypse or "Rapture" is widely accepted in some parts of the American conspiratorial community, but has little influence beyond the borders of the USA; it's nonsense, as Cortez and I again agree. It's clear that the author of this pamphlet is a Marxist and he interprets the conspiratorial opposition to the Russian Revolution, the Spartacist uprising in Germany and other leftist bids for power accordingly. He sees them as a coming together of those three theories, essentially serving the interests of the "petit-bourgeois", those who opposed proletarian political movements at the same time as having ambitions of joining the A-list capitalist class themselves. The problem is that Nesta Webster, Robison and others completely misinterpreted the history of the Illuminati, and Cortez simply echoes their distortions in his pamphlet. Firstly, the Illuminati are far older than these researchers, and therefore Cortez, think. Their origin lies in the very dawn of history itself, and even before; in fact the Illuminati arose as a subversive cabal in the civilization known to us as Atlantis, although they operated globally at the time. They were never merely an anti-religious anti-monarchist Enlightenment pressure group. Such pressure groups were numerous in the 18th and 19th centuries and some were used by the Illuminati, which incidentally also controlled the aristocracy and churches, but they were definitely not the beginning of the Illuminati. The ancient history of the New World Order is a complicated one; it involves astrology, the occult and the supernatural, but it can be traced, for example see:

Cortez then goes on to describe how black people in his local area, he calls it "the hood", have come to believe in conspiracy theories to explain the mistreatment of black people America, some of which unfortunately still goes on forty years after the civil rights revolution. These ideas are spread by some "black power" organizations like the Nation of Islam. Ideas include AIDS being created in a laboratory to exterminate black people or KFC being set up by the Ku Klux Klan to make black people overweight and unhealthy. There is a lot of truth behind these theories; the mistake made is that these people think the goal is merely the destruction of black people and culture. In truth the artificial creation of disease and malnutrition is not a racist one, but is instead intended to decimate human beings of all creeds and colours, for example see: However impoverished black people took on the idea that the entire New World Order was a black vs. white dichotomy. Cortez is again correct to point out the flaws in this notion, however he does so from his own Marxist perspective; for him it's a conflict of class struggle, the capitalist ruling class trying to keep control of the working class who want freedom. For me, I see the influence of very ancient occult secret societies that can be found in both rich and poor. Cortez also sees William Cooper's book Behold a Pale Horse as just another development of an illusion, whereas I see it as one of the most encyclopaedic analyses of the New World Order to date. Cortez wrongly claims that the "Illuminati Theory" doesn't work because it leaves no room for coincidences or mistakes; not true! Any serious NWO researcher you come across understands that such things to happen. Also we supposedly make out the enemy to be "all-powerful" when this is completely not the case. Many things happen in the world that are not intended by the Illuminati, in fact they seem to be panicking at the moment and trying their best to contain the genuine expansion of human consciousness. Cortez also echoes the concept of the Skeptics that conspiracy theories fly in the face of scientific reasoning; not true at all, and I've said so many times, for example see:

Jason Cortez thinks that all the problems people blame through "Illuminati Theory" can in reality be explained by the Marxist interpretation of history and politics. The human world is underpinned by the capitalist system, that there is a ruling class, a "bourgeoisie", of those who own the means of production and they control everybody else economically by taking possession of their "surplus labour". This is a complicated idea and Karl Marx himself wrote about it in his Das Kapital series of books. This is one of the longest political textbooks every written and reputed to be the most intricate. This led to his 1848 publication of the far shorter and more comprehensive Communist Manifesto, see: It's one of the most widely-read and most influential books in history and many people come across it at some time in their life. I myself did when I was a teenager and for a while I was very enthralled by it; I even went along to many meetings of a local socialist group in Oxford. In fact the fictional description of one of these meetings in my new novel The Obscurati Chronicles, is partly based on my own experience, see: However I swiftly rejected Marxism; at the time I didn't know why, it was purely intuitive. I soon began to understand that strands exist in society and the world in general that cannot be explained by Marxist interpretation and Marxism doesn't even address them. The principle strand is the influence of black magic, Satanism and of secret societies on history. What's more I question the utopian objective of Marxism: the abolition of private capital, forced egalitarianism, extreme collectivism; it sounds as if society would be turned into some kind of machine... it sounds suspiciously like the New World Order itself! In fact this was the main criticism Henrik Palmgrem and the others at Red Ice Radio had of Russell Brand's interview with Jeremy Paxman, see: (I share these concerns myself, although my emphasis was a bit different, see: What's more I've spoken several times before that I'm very worried about cultural Marxist ideas like feminism, "positive discrimination", political correctness and the oppression of white, straight males, see: So really this pamphlet doesn't explain how conspiracy theory is wrong at all, and it promotes an alternative that I find distasteful. As always I urge readers to look at both sides of the story, including any black people in Cortez' "hood"; read the Communist Manifesto by all means, but don't do so without also listening to the words of the aforementioned late, great Milton William Cooper, see:
See here for more background information: .

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