Wednesday 1 May 2024

I Feel Fantastic!

See here for essential background:
Since that happy incident I've had another opportunity to confront "Cathy" and this time I really meant business! This was not something I planned; the chance just dropped into my lap yesterday. It made me realize that our previous encounter was not as healing as I hoped it would be. It was only a temporary patch, not a permanent repair. I am a member of an email group containing my family members and two of our closest friends, de facto relatives essentially. I will omit a lot of the details for the sake of anonymity, but it began when Cathy said something I disagreed with. I was about to write out a simple and typical rebuttal, but then stopped. After sleeping on it and thinking about it all day today at work, I decided to send her this response:
Hi Cathy.
(The first paragraph describes the issue we differed on.)
Obviously we may continue to disagree on this. That's fine with me, but there are right and wrong ways to disagree. A good example of the wrong way is when I told you that I had voted Leave in the Brexit referendum. I approached you and my dad in good faith over this matter. (I wish I had kept my mouth shut and will never make that mistake again.) There a dozen ways you could have responded. You could have explained, calmly and politely, exactly why you think I am wrong. We could have had a productive discussion, built a consensus, and you may even have been able to change my mind. I am a rational person and my position is always falsifiable. But instead you just yelled at me: "You've never run a business, Ben! What would you know!?" This is a prime example of an ad hominem fallacy. That is why I pointed out to you: "So, what if somebody who HAD run a business made the same point as me?" You replied: "I doubt if that would happen." Do you not see the absurdity of your position? All I have to do then is produce one Brexiteer ally who runs a business and you've lost the "debate" hands down. Tim Martin, CEO of JD Wetherspoon, is the most famous of these. I put the word "debate" in quotes because the next thing you said was: "Everybody who voted Leave is stupid!" That is not an axiom in a debate; that is an insult and an attack; an insult against me personally and an attack against all the millions of people who dare to disagree with you... And you wonder why people vote for Farage!? I almost walked out at that point and I should have! So could I request that you please do not address me with that kind of disrespect in future disputes? If you acknowledge my good faith and trust I'm sure we could have a far more honest discussion. Thank you.
Regarding your general conduct towards me, it goes beyond just debating one issue. Nobody is a rubber ball that you can just toss against a brick wall again and again in the reassurance that they will not break... although some members of my family pretend to be that. Maybe this has led you into the delusion that we are. A few Christmases ago I bought you a book that I thought you might enjoy as a present. It was called Screwed by the Aliens by Timothy Green Beckley (a good friend of mine who has since passed away.) You looked at it and decided you didn't think you would enjoy it. I have been in this situation myself a few times. On those occasions I try to treat the person giving me the unwanted present with sensitivity and tolerance, in the knowledge that they have thought of me with kindness and a desire to make me happy; and have put consideration, time and money into an effort to make my life better. I might return the gift to them privately afterwards with an: "I appreciate this, but..." conversation. Or I might just say nothing and donate it quietly to a charity library. You could not or would not show me that consideration. You tossed the book contemptuously onto the coffee table with a sneer and the words: "Oh, no thank you!" You did this in front of my entire family and (the name of one of our friends). This made me feel incredibly uncomfortable, humiliated and embarrassed, but I bit my tongue to maintain the sacred "doing Christmas" decorum. (In this HPANWO TV video at about twenty minutes in I talk about the conflict in more detail: I must insist that you do not behave like that towards me again. I think I am entitled to request that little bit of basic human respect from you. Not a lot, just a little. I do not think that is unreasonable. What's more I think the same goes for other members of this family, should they feel they too have been mistreated in a similar way, but are suffering in silence to "avoid the hassle." I, for one, will suffer in silence no longer! I'm not just talking about my own welfare. If I detect any violation of other members of this family, or our circle of friends, from any individual, expect me to take action.
I will not read any more letters posted in this email group. I look forward to joining you in (an upcoming birthday party.)
Best wishes and kind regards.
Well, I've really pulled the pin there! I CC'ed the entire group; since when has she respected my personal sovereignty? I feel fantastic! I feel wonderful! I don't know if you've ever picked up a heavy bag and carried it around for so long that it begins to feel normal, a thorn in your flesh that will be there forever and you just have to put up with it... And then suddenly you drop the bag. That feeling of relief! Freedom! Empowerment! It's overwhelming. I don't know what will happen as a result of my sacrilege and I don't particularly care. I did what needed to be done. There was no other way out of this predicament than to confront my antagonist head on... I have one or two other names on my list. Watch this space!
See here for more background:

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Scanning the River Update

See here for essential background:
A friend has answered my appeal for information and it appears the men I encountered were in fact real policemen and they were part of Thames Valley Police's Forensics Imaging Unit. The device they were operating is a lidar scanner; one is also illustrated above. Lidar is short for Light Detection and Ranging and it is a way of creating a three dimensional electronic model of a crime scene, which is an important tool during a police investigation or trial. Source: This must mean that what they were doing was indeed related to the cycle crash death. Lidar is harmless and therefore the bones and corpses I saw in the woods must have another cause, possibly the bad weather.

Thursday 25 April 2024

Runaway Horses

Yesterday the news was dominated by a story that looked on the surface apocalyptic. Horses were spotted galloping through the streets of London, dodging pedestrians and colliding with vehicles. Five horses altogether were loose, but the story focused on two of them, a black and white one; although the white was clearly badly injured and bleeding profusely because it has been struck by a double-decker bus. I don't know what the horses' names are, but no doubt somebody has nicknamed them "Famine" and "War". Of course red horses don't exist, but the poor white horse looks half red because of its bleeding. Some people related it to another cataclysmic source; a scene from the zombie flick 28 Days Later, a film I've only seen part of and disliked. Everybody wondered where on earth the horses could have come from and quickly the answer was announced. They belong to the Household Cavalry, a corps made up of the Army regiments the Life Guards and the Blues and Royals. They are among the ceremonial troops commonly seen marching in London for the tourists and the Royal Family. Of course, nobody takes horses onto a battlefield anymore, but they are kept for the sake of pomp and tradition. They are highly trained and it is unusual for them to behave like this. Apparently the horses were part of a parade rehearsal near Victoria Station when noises from a neighbouring building site frightened them. They immediately threw their riders and bolted. They were eventually captured and returned to their stables at the Hyde Park Barracks. They are being treated by a vet while their riders are in hospital with injuries that have been described as "not life-threatening". Source: So, all's well that ends well I suppose. It does feel like there might be some predictive programming here. We'll see. I'm actually relieved that the police didn't shoot the horses this time. We know from the experience of the Merseyside white stag that the police have become very trigger-happy lately with innocent beings. No doubt they'd have mumbled some platitudes about "public safety", but thankfully it never came to that.
See here for background:

Wednesday 24 April 2024

"Scanning" the River

I took a dog for a walk today and we went on our usual route that runs beside the river Isis, what we in Oxford call the Thames. When we arrived I got a bit of a shock. A section of the towpath had been closed by the police, or at least I assume they were police because of their uniform; but they could have been somebody else in disguise. One of them was standing by a lock where I usually join the Thames Path and he said: "Could you go that way instead please, sir." He pointed to the old stone bridge. "We're just doing some scanning." He didn't explain what he meant by scanning. I crossed over the bridge and saw a big police warning sign announcing that the path was closed; another identical sign had been set up on the path about a hundred yards away downstream. A group of three or four other men in police uniforms were operating some kind of machine raised on a tripod. There is a patch of woodland right beside the lock and a muddy track runs through it; therefore I was able to double back to where the cordon was, hidden by the trees. It was there that I took this series of photographs.

The edge of the police cordon.
Policemen, or what looks like them, on an operation beside the river Isis (Thames) in Oxford.
The machine they were using for what they called "scanning". Do any readers recognize this? If so please let me know in the comments.
While I was walking through the woods close to where the scanner was I came across several dead animals, two rats and a squirrel. It is unusual to see that many corpses together in such a small forest. They did not look like recent deaths though, so I'm not saying whatever the scanning machine was killed them. If so I would have fled the location out of fear for my own health and that of the dog. There were also a large number of animal bones. The dog picked up a section of jawbone from what looked like a deer and, as usual, I had a bit of trouble persuading him to put it down. There was nothing else out of the ordinary at the location. I'm not sure what was going on; except a few months ago the police, definitely the real police this time, shut that same stretch of the Thames Path to perform a reconstruction while investigating an accident in which a pedestrian was killed by a speeding cyclist, see: I don't know if there's a connection. There has been nothing in the news about today's goings on. I'll be walking the same route tomorrow at about the same time of day so if anything else is untoward I will report on it.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Rain in Dubai

The United Arab Emirates is a desert country which receives very little rain. It has risen steadily over the last few decades, but still on average less than five inches falls a year. As a result there are no rivers and no need for drains or gutters etc to disperse rainwater. Then suddenly ten inches falls within hours; it has caused a flash flood of biblical proportions known as the 2024 greater Persian Gulf floods. The city of Dubai has a global reputation for being some kind of urban theme park. It includes the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, and many others that are nearly as big. It is a checkerboard of shopping malls, luxury hotels and mansions. These concrete marvels have all been inundated. Four people have drowned and millions of dollars worth of damage has been done. The airport has had to close and residents have been evacuated from their homes. Obviously the media is blaming "Climate Change!" What's weird is that a video appeared a few weeks earlier which received almost no attention at all, but since the flood it has gone viral. In it a young man in traditional Emirati dress explains how rain in Dubai is created artificially through cloud seeding. This is when chemicals are added to the atmosphere, usually dumped from an aircraft, to make rain clouds form. Source: This is not a secret or uncommon practice. Fire-fighters use it to extinguish forest fires and it is sometimes used at the Winter Olympics to increase snowfall. It has been used as a weapon of war, for example during Project Popeye. See here for details: This leads inevitably to the question of whether the floods in the Emirates were caused by this method. Did they overdo the cloud seeding by accident? In that case the authorities should face massive lawsuits. Or was it deliberate? If so why? Eco-terrorism? Or has somebody organized some kind of monstrous insurance fraud? England, my own country, has been beset these last few weeks by some of the worst chemtrailing I've ever seen. It has been accompanied by one of the coldest and wettest springs on record. What plans do the geoengineers have for our future weather?
See here for background:

Friday 19 April 2024

That Thread!

See here for essential background:
The thread on the old HPANWO Forum was lost when the forum was deleted by the host, but luckily I took screenshots of the whole thread. I have waited a while, but now I think the time is right so I am publishing it on this page:

Thursday 18 April 2024

Smoking Ban Insanity

MP's have backed a plan to "encourage" people to give up smoking by making it illegal below a certain age. That law already exists, you might say, because it is in fact a crime to buy tobacco products under the age of eighteen, but the government want to change it so that this age limit rises by one year per calendar year. So next year the minimum smoking age will be nineteen and in 2026 it will be twenty etc. The result will be that anybody born after 2009 will never be able to smoke legally for their entire lives. Obviously this means in a few decades nobody will be able to buy cigarettes and tobacco will effectively become a prohibited drug. Other countries are following suite, such as New Zealand, Portugal and (predictably) Canada. Source: This is a very stupid law, playing devil's advocate, because the government are destroying a massive revenue stream. Smoking materials are very heavily taxed, over 40% in some cases. They generate billions of pounds annually for the exchequer. On an ethical level, they justify it by saying they want to eliminate the unhealthiest everyday practice in the world. About 80,000 people a year die from illnesses caused by smoking. Everybody knows how bad smoking is for our health. Schoolchildren have to watch "love your lungs" videos, every packet of cigarettes has a warning label on it so big it almost covers the whole pack. The problem is that nobody forces us to take up smoking. It is a decision we make as adults; as I said, under-eighteens cannot buy cigarettes. Also don't forget smokers contribute a huge amount of extra tax to the NHS which has to treat smoking-related diseases. It is very typical of the government to try and solve a problem through raw coercion; it's the only language they understand. Recent events demonstrated that very clearly, see: I do not smoke. I never have smoked. This is a decision that I made as an adult, but I feel very different about being commanded not to by the state. This is the government infantilizing us, reducing us to the level of misguided children; again this is very characteristic of their attitude. And prohibition doesn't work anyway. Think of all the drugs that are banned and have been for many years; are they therefore never used by anyone? So even if you do not smoke you should stand in opposition this new law. As Pastor Niemöller could have said: "First they came for the smokers..."
See here for more information: